
Bushidokan martial arts

Looking for martial arts schools in the Reno or Sparks area?

Our school is conveniently located just off the Pyramid exit in Sparks, providing quick and easy access for residents of both Reno and Sparks.

Bushidokan Martial Arts Center

Our Mission:

Our goal is to spread the art of traditional Jujitsu, helping others find internal confidence and peace, and share those qualities with the world.

What Sets Us Apart :

Our Jujitsu school emphasizes peacefulness and wellness, teaching healing methods for overcoming pain and promoting full body wellness for students. We believe in personalized learning, finding mutual language and developing understanding on every art with our students. Special classes include Philippine stick fighting (Kali), Massage and Resuscitation Techniques, and Tai Chi.

Quality of Instruction:

Our Dan Zan Ryu – Zenyo Bujutsu developed by Herb Lague, is a unique blend of several martial art disciplines, including Jujitsu, one of the world’s oldest martial arts, along with Judo, Lama Pai, Akido, Boxing, Karate, Kempo, and more. This “mixed martial arts curriculum” encompasses various rolls, falls, escape methods, joint locks, and pressure points. Classes are typically led by an instructor of third rank black belt or above.

Kids Classes:

Young students first learn rolls and falls, and escape methods. Parents can rest easy knowing that our Dan Zan Ryu Zeno Jujutsu is a “soft” art, focusing on the “gentle art” of Jujitsu rather than “hard” styles like Karate. We accept students from age 9 years and up.


Our unique school operates on a donation basis, with unpaid instructors teaching out of love for the art. Classes are held in our exclusive dojo within our temple area. Donations contribute to the upkeep of the temple. All faith backgrounds are welcome and respected.


Professor Herb Lague

Martial Arts School in The City of Sparks

The Bushidokan Marital Arts Center teaches the art of DanZan Ryu Zenyo Bujutsu and Tai Chi

Danzan Ryu Zenyo Bujutsu is a systematic way to eliminate fear through building self-confidence. Zeno style was created by Herb Lague, founder of the Bushidokan Center. He holds the highest rank possible in martial arts as a 10th degree black belt.  Internationally recognized by world leaders and a member of the Bushidokan federation as an expert in the martial arts, Professor/Sensei Lague travel’s the world teaching our allies special forces units and martial arts philosophy, to anyone willing to learn.  Zenyo Bujutsu, encourages, self defence, honest interactions and the willingness to appreciate the differences among each person to enhance every students character and personal development.

Please take note this is real combat oriented martial arts training for self defence and as a school we do not condone or teach: 

  • Cage fighting or pit fighting. In our view this is not a Sport, not a Martial Art and it is not Jujitsu. We reserve the right to refuse training to those who want to train for this reason.


Benefits of Martial Arts:

  • Increased confidence
  • Full body workout
  • Increased flexibility
  • Better Coordination
  • Lower blood pressure and heart rate
  • Increased Psychological Flexibility
  • Improved social skills
  • Improved self-discipline
  • Stress relief
Juitsu Classes
Reno Sparks Dojo

Tai Chi Class Schedule:

Monday & Thursdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Womens Self Defence Classes:

For student privacy contact us to RSVP

Jujitsu Class Schedule

  • Alternating Sundays

    9:00am to 10:30am

  • Tuesdays

    5:30pm to 7:30pm

  • Wednesdays (Adults Only)

    6:30pm to 8:00pm

  • Fridays

    5:30pm to 7:30pm

  • Saturdays

    10:00am to 12:00pm

  • Special Instruction

    Special Class times for 1 on 1 instruction are optional for dedicated students.


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Bushidokan Martial Arts Center